“Ding ware” is a kind of white porcelain. However, it is a bit different compared to traditional “white porcelain”. You may find it is slightly yellow which seems not to be burned enough. The artistry is enriched by the special ivory yellow shade. The unique color of “ding ware” porcelain…
The iron particle of the glaze will combine with air when the temperature raise to 1200℃ or above. The solution will fall into the product surface. It is how this stunning glaze is formed. Unique patterns and textures will be formed on the artwork. Hare’s Fur is one of the…
Minimalist design.Scandinavian style, simple and natural design. Pure white and fine quality glazes.Fine and smooth texture. Wonderful curve.The shape is just fine to brew tea. This warmful design brings style to your household.Graceful and stylish. |Instructions & Safety Precautions| This product is a creative item crafted from composite materials, blending…